Sunday, July 24, 2011

Ward and Child

I found this garden store years ago when I was in the Rose Society.  The best word to describe what they carry is: Gorgeous!  Yes, things are a bit pricey, but there are always little treasures for under $10 worth taking home.  And as for the rest, you can get ideas to make your garden fabulous.
If you aren't one to fuss over a garden, this is still the place for you because of what is behind the store.  A private garden!  I love going there.  Just go to the door in the back corner of the store.  It leads to their selection of plant containers.  Just beyond that is the garden.  It is perfectly okay to be there; they even rent it out for wedding photos 
and some receptions. 
The garden has beautiful plants, little pathways, a fish pond, and fruit trees arching over metal archways.  It is pure loveliness.  I recommend it when you need to refresh yourself and restore some inner peace.
I can't find a website but their contact info is:
678 South 700 East
It is just south of the east side of Trolley Square.

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